Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's election day, where are the voters?

"No taxation without representation!" 

This call, familiar to anyone who has studied the American Revolution, characterized the stance the colonists took against the British monarchy in 1775 as fighting broke out in Lexington and Concord. Farmers, artisans, blacksmiths, and many others banded together to fight for a voice in government. Literally, men and women gave up their lives to win a right so many take for granted today. 

Just as critical to the world we live in today is the struggle of women, through the suffrage movement, to gain their right to vote. Women were imprisoned, attacked, and even killed to gain the opportunity to have their voices heard on election day. The right to vote for women came in 1920 - less than 100 years ago. 

Each of us, as citizens, has the opportunity to vote to elect our leaders. This action, especially in local elections, takes no more than a few minutes and requires very little effort when you consider media coverage of candidates. These facts make news today quite disheartening.

After a year of scandal, voters in Detroit have the chance to elect a new mayor and move their city to a new beginning. It's hard to fathom that headlines this morning indicate that voter turnout will be a new all-time low. The winner of the race between Dave Bing and Ken Cockrel will have the opportunity to work on securing a new deal for Cobo, improving the image of a city that has been tarnished, and working to repair a budget that has spun out of control. As polling places remain open, I cannot help but wonder why more people do not take advantage of the right won so many years ago by so many brave men and women. While the election between Cockrel and Bing will only appoint someone for the short-term, it will make a difference. 

Elections are what make us a republic. It's a shame more people don't value the opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree but you also have to respect people's decision to abstain from voting. What if you don't like anyone that is running. I've always thought you should be able to vote ----against--- someone as much as ---for--- someone. I don't always like the candidates but there are definitely people I would like to see NOT win. I'm just sayin........
