Monday, May 11, 2009

A Pet Peeve

Stepping away from current events for a personal rant this evening.

I don't think anything bothers me more than the use of cell phones at inappropriate times. While the rise of the cell phone has plenty of positives, such as use in emergencies or connecting people in ways that were once unheard of, there are too many instances of people using them at inopportune times. 

The other day I stood behind someone in line at the gas station. As the person paid for their fuel and bought a soda, he continued a conversation on his cell phone. The only time he broke the exchange with whoever was on the other end of the phone was to order the young lady working behind the counter to grab a pack of cigarettes for him. Such behavior, in my view, diminishes the person standing before the man enraptured in his cell phone discussion. Was the person on the other end of the line so much more important than the one standing before him? He could not have called back from outside? Without so much as a smile or a thank you, he turned, walked from the gas station without so much as an acknowledgement of the people around him. 

This is not the first time I've seen such conduct. It happens everywhere you look these days. Humans disregarding one another to continue conversations with someone miles away. Couples ignore one another in cars, even people sitting at the same lunch table cannot seem to interrupt their calls. 

Technology advances our society - that said, I cannot help but worry that the increased communication with those who we enjoy speaking to robs us of chances to meet new people and does nothing but dehumanize others when we cannot pull ourselves away. 

1 comment:

  1. Get over it. HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Maybe that person behind the counter is interrupting the conversation? What about the person on the other end of the phone, did you ever stop to consider their feelings?
    My advice...Maybe you grab the phone next time and ask. That'd be a conversation to remember.
