Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More damage?

Scanning the paper this morning, I could not help but shake my head at further misconduct on the part of members of Detroit's city government. It led me to ponder the question, who has damaged the image of the city further, Kwame Kilpatrick or Monica Conyers?

The former mayor's scandal cost the city a fortune, was a national story. His actions cost the city millions of dollars in the wrongful termination lawsuit of former police officer Gary Brown. Coverage of his tirade at the State of the City address last year and his removal from office were a humiliation for the office he represented. After moving to Texas, we're still not rid of Mr. Kilpatrick, his failure to pay restitution to the city keep him in the public eye.

Council Pro-Temp Conyers has had her share of bad press. From referring to Ken Cockeril as "Shrek" to her famous YouTube video where she debates a student from a local elementary school, Monica Conyers has brought her share of negative attention. Her move to shun the plan to renovate Cobo while she led city council could also cost the city millions. Her unethical move, to apparently accept bribes are just as bad as many of the actions of the mayor.

It's a toss up on who has damaged the city more, but all can agree both have not served the citizens well.

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