Thursday, June 4, 2009

The New Justice?

My personal schedule has kept me away - it's been nearly a week since the announcement and I've yet to offer my view.

Elections matter! It's a point I strived to make months ago when the mayoral election in Detroit drew such a small turnout. The nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is the precise reason it's important to vote. 

Much will be made over the next few months on her personal views. Her feelings on the court's role in interpreting the law and making social policy will be covered in the media, as will her thoughts on issues as complex as abortion, gun control, and the significance of race. Some will agree with her views, others will not. Some will see her as a champion, others, as a villain.

Having said that, the question for the Senate to consider as they proceed with confirmation hearings is not "how do you feel about her views," but "is she qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice?"

I do hope the Senate reviews the cases she has decided (I was alarmed by her ruling in the firefighter case dealing with affirmative action policies) and how many times her decisions have been overturned. Having said that, when President Obama won November's election, the American people endorsed him deciding what kind of judge and the views he'd consider as he looked for someone to nominate. The election last year determined that the next justice would share some of the philosophies of the new President.  

It's one of the reasons elections matter so much!

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