Friday, September 4, 2009


Next Tuesday, many students return to school to begin another academic year. For people such as myself, there's no better time. A combination of excitement, optimism, and anticipation for so many great moments combines to make this truly, one of my favorite periods of time on the calendar.

The President of the United States plans to address America's students next week. He plans to take on some pretty controversial topics, such as working hard, setting strong academic goals, and taking responsibility for their own learning. This has caused quite the buzz from the public, with parents clamoring they should be able to monitor the message of the President and decide whether or not it is appropriate for their children. The state of Texas, in a move to "protect children" is refusing to air the message at all. Words such as "indoctrination" and "ego" have been thrown around. In this morning's newspaper, the message was called a "waste of taxpayer funds."

While the President has plenty of supporters and opponents, I have to shake my head and wonder what our nation has come to. To take a moment and encourage the nation's young people to do their best and set high goals for themselves is exactly what we should want a President to do. I don't know parents or educators that are not going to encourage kids to work hard, set goals, or take ownership of their own education when the school year begins.

I'd prefer the address be taped - I oppose live television in classrooms - but that doesn't change my view, that someone who is successful encouraging the children of our nation to dream big is a perfect message at this time of year.

Disagree over health care, the stimulus bill, or any other policy you don't like. Bemoan his views on key issues that you see differently. Participate in the national debate. But don't keep your kids home from school on Tuesday because the President of the United States plans to tell the students of our nation to give their best effort this year.

Again, politics gets in the way.

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