Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quick hits on a Sunday

I was so excited to see an advertisement for the NHL season opener on Versus. Someone should point out to those at the network that next time they make a commercial, they may want to include when the games will be shown.

Can it be the Tigers are playing meaningful baseball in September?

The President gave some great speeches this week. The one I enjoyed the most probably received the least coverage. Should you get time, check out his remarks from Thursdays meeting at the Clinton Global Initiative. If you find yourself consistently let down by government, check out the work of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), which will remind you that a better world really is possible.

President Bush was at the Cowboys game last Sunday, looking like he's enjoying retirement. Think he ever considers applying to be the Commissioner of Major League Baseball? Selig is on his way out, "W" may be the man for the job.

Starting to feel like fall in Michigan, the leaves are changing!

If so many people detest Glenn Beck, why does he sell so many books and have such high ratings for his cable program? Moreover, why does he receive so much media coverage?

I'll be the minority opinion, I like the new Jay Leno show.

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