Monday, April 20, 2009

Does that make him an American?

Abduhl Wal-i-Musi, the surviving Somali pirate taken by Navy SEALs after hijacking and capturing American Richard Phillips is due in Federal Court tomorrow where he will be tried as an adult. The decision by the Justice Department to prosecute this young man in American Federal Court is an interesting one, as it will guarantee him the rights each of us expects as American citizens. 

I cannot help but wonder how prudent it is to give a trial to someone from another nation who has committed an act against Americans. Is this the new procedure for handling terrorists? What would happen to Wal-i-Musi should he be found not guilty in court? Would he be eligible to remain in the United States? 

Just as important, what kind of message does this send to citizens around the world? 

1 comment:

  1. "as it will guarantee him the rights each of us expects as American citizens"-That's how it works here. What you do with it is the responsiblity of the Justice Dept.

    You are correct, "who has committed an act against Americans," he didn't committ it here, is it right to prosecute him here? Where is it prudent to prosecute him?

    "Is this the new procedure for handling terrorists? "-Yes, ask B.O. he wants to give everyone a fair trial, as he should but is this the right venue? Do they belong here?
    "What would happen to Wal-i-Musi should he be found not guilty in court? Would he be eligible to remain in the United States?"-Scary as hell, but I dont' think he would be much of a threat here, maybe petty theif. Another question is what would become of him if he was returned to Somalia? My guess he would return to his life as a pirate.

    Another question, What right do we have to prosecute someone of any crime on open waters? How far does our jurisdiction reach? If it is a matter of national security, obviously some government intervention is necessary, right? Obviously we want to send a strong message that we won't stand for our ships being pirated? right? BTW I disagree with paying the ransome, in one respect my employee's life is priceless, in another light, I would have hired Blackwater or who ever those guys are to capture the looters.
