Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Going about it the right way.....

Yesterday, Vermont became the fourth state (joining Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Iowa) to legalize unions between same-sex couples. While this issue (homosexual marriage) is one that many debate, it's not the issue I'm writing about today. Rather, I'd like to express my appreciation for Vermont going about the process to decide this issue the right way. It was the legislature of Vermont that voted to approve these unions, which is a far cry from the court decisions in the other three states that made them legal. The issue of gay marriage should be settled by states (federalism at work), specifically by the legislative branches (those elected to make policies) of government. Judicial activism in Iowa last week mandated upon the citizens of that state what Vermont's legislature approved - a stark contrast in approaches.

Courts are set up to decide justice, not to make laws or policies. Judges legislating would put many citizens under the rule of a small number of people, many appointed to a lifetime term. The very nature of most of them gaining their positions - appointments rather than elections - should cause everyone to pause and consider how much activism they'd like to see from the judicial branch. Our nation was founded in an effort to move away from a system ruled by a monarch - someone appointed for life who could not be overruled. 

Credit the state of Vermont with approaching this issue the way it should be, through the legislators elected by the citizens. 


  1. There are 3 branches. What ever happened to checks and balances? It seems like decisions are made on party lines, no matter which branch of the government. I concur judiciary is there to interpret law, not pass law. Much like the judge in Florida who came out of retirement and just makes shit up.

  2. Also, I don't approve of gay marriage, as a straight line issue. but I DO believe they should have the right. God gave us free will and it shouldn't be limited in anyway. Laws are there only to be enforced when people do what is against the acceptable between man and man and God and man. What diservice does gay marriage do to another? Or to God, people are pagans, and believe in other religions we do not, who are we to govern their beliefs? I understand some may see this as a position against God, and you could make the same argument that God says you shouldn't kill and you should believe in God and only God. But Jesus replaced that with Love thy Neighbor. You have to love them,understand them just like you love and understand your family and friends. Supporting gay marriage doesn't mean you support it, it just means you support free will and love God and your neighbor.

  3. Marriage is a religious issue to be decided by churches.

    Civil Unions on the other hand, should be decided by the states, specifically through the citizens and the legislators they elect.
